including major discounts for multi-packs and 2 dogs!

Full Day
Up to 12 hours of doggy delights!
Drop-off between 6:30am and 9am​​
Pickup before 6:30pm

Casual Rate
2 dogs:
13% savings
from casual single rate x 2
Save up to 30% with Multipacks
(3 month expiry)
5 Pack
3% savings from casual rate
2 dogs:
17% savings
from casual single rate x 5 for 2 dogs
Best for fortnightly visits
10 Pack
10% savings from casual rate
2 dogs:
25% savings
from casual single rate x 10 for 2 dogs
Best for weekly visits
20 Pack
19% savings from casual rate
2 dogs:
30% savings
from casual single rate x 20 for 2 dogs
Best for multi-visits per week
Half Day
Up to 5 hours of doggy delights!
Drop-off between 6:30am and 9am​​
Pickup maximum 5 hours after drop-off
Save up to 21% with Multipacks
(3 month expiry)

Casual Rate
2 dogs:
13% savings
from casual single rate x 2
5 Pack
5% savings from casual rate
2 dogs:
16% savings
from casual single rate x 5 for 2 dogs
Best for fortnightly visits
10 Pack
10% savings from casual rate
2 dogs:
21% savings
from casual single rate x 10 for 2 dogs
Best for weekly visits
Paws-itive Puppy Program
For Puppies 3-5 Months Old

4x Full Day of Daycare
Attend 1x a Week
Includes Lunch
Sensory Activities
10% Off Puppy Primary or Teenage Troublemakers Classes
Cannot be used in conjunction with any other offer.