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  • Puppy Primary: The Benefits

    A new puppy is an exhilarating experience filled with cuddles, playtime, and boundless love. Puppies are constantly learning, and that's where Puppy Primary comes in. This specialised training programme is designed for pups aged 12 weeks to 5 months who may have missed out on Puppy Kindy, providing essential skills and strategies to communicate effectively with your puppy. Common Reasons for Skipping Puppy Training: Before delving into the importance of Puppy Primary, let's address why some dog owners may hesitate to enrol their pups in training classes. Misconception of Pup's Abilities: Some owners may believe that their young puppies are too young to learn or that training can wait until they're older. However, puppies are like sponges, eagerly soaking up knowledge from the moment they're born. Delaying training can result in missed opportunities for crucial socialisation and skill development. Complacency After Puppy Kindy: Owners who have previously enrolled their puppies in Kindy classes may mistakenly believe that their furry friends are already perfectly trained. However, Puppy Kindy is just the beginning of a puppy's educational journey, and skipping Puppy Primary can lead to gaps in their training and development, especially as they explore and start to push boundaries. Time Constraints and Busy Lifestyles: Balancing work, family, and other commitments can make it challenging for owners to prioritise puppy training. However, investing time in early training can save both time and frustration in the long run by preventing behavioural issues and strengthening the bond between owner and pup. Perceived Lack of Need: Some owners may underestimate the importance of puppy training or believe that their pup's behaviour is already acceptable. However, early training is crucial for preventing behavioural problems and fostering a positive relationship between owner and pup. The Importance of Puppy Primary Training: Now that we've addressed common reasons for foregoing puppy training, let's explore why Puppy Primary is essential for laying a solid foundation for your young canine companion. Redirecting and Reinforcing Behaviour: Puppy Primary teaches owners how to redirect and reinforce good behaviour in their young pups, setting clear expectations and boundaries from the start. Preventing and Managing Bad Behaviour: By providing owners with effective strategies for preventing and managing bad behaviour, Puppy Primary helps pups develop into well-behaved companions. Effective Communication: Puppy Primary teaches owners how to communicate clearly and effectively with their furry friends, laying the groundwork for a strong bond and mutual understanding. Basic Skills for Puppy Development: For pups who may have missed out on Puppy Kindy, Puppy Primary provides a comprehensive introduction to basic skills essential for their development and well-being. The Importance of Puppy Primary: Whether your puppy missed out on Puppy Kindy or you want to set your pup up for success, Puppy Primary is the perfect starting point for young canine companions. At Ari&Me we understand providing a supportive and nurturing environment where puppies can learn, grow, and thrive. By setting good foundations for your pup, you're putting them on the path to success. So why wait?

  • Manners n More: The Benefits

    When a dog has completed Life Skills and mastered the basics, it's time to take their training to the next level with Manners n More. This advanced training programme is designed to refine existing skills, cultivate impulse control, and foster calm and confident behaviours in dogs of all ages. In this guide, we'll explore the benefits of Manners n More training and why it's essential for nurturing your dog into a model citizen. Common Reasons for Discontinuing Training: Before delving into the importance of advanced training, let's address why some dog owners may hesitate to continue their dog's education after mastering the basics. Complacency After Basic Training: Once dogs have mastered basic obedience cues, some owners may feel satisfied with their pet's behaviour and neglect further training. However, ongoing training is essential for maintaining and enhancing these skills over time. Time Constraints and Busy Lifestyles: Busy schedules and competing priorities can make it challenging for owners to commit to regular training sessions. However, investing time in advanced training can lead to long-term benefits for both you and your dog. Perceived Lack of Need: Some owners may believe that their dog's behaviour is already acceptable and see no need for further training. However, advanced training can address specific challenges and behaviours, leading to a more harmonious relationship between you and your furry friend. The Importance of Strengthening Behaviours: Now, let's explore why strengthening behaviours through advanced training is crucial, even if it's been a while since your last training class. Challenge and Achievement: Manners n More training presents new challenges and goals for both you and your dog to strive towards, fostering a sense of accomplishment and fulfilment as you reach each milestone together. Bolster Stress-Free Outings: Advanced training equips your dog with the skills and confidence to navigate various environments and situations calmly and obediently, resulting in stress-free outings for both of you. Develop Voluntary Cooperation: By reinforcing voluntary cooperation and impulse control, Manners n More training empowers your dog to make positive choices and exhibit desirable behaviours without constant supervision or cues. Confidence for You and Your Pup: As you and your dog master advanced training techniques, you'll both gain confidence in your abilities, strengthening your bond and enhancing communication between you. Manners n More: At Ari&Me, we believe that every dog has the potential to be a model citizen with the right guidance and training. Our advanced training programme is tailored to meet the individual needs of dogs of all ages, focusing on refining skills, promoting calm behaviours, and strengthening desirable behaviours. Challenge yourselves to achieve new training goals, bolster stress-free outings, develop voluntary cooperation, and strengthen the bond between you and your pup. So why wait?

  • Life Skills: The Benefits

    As our beloved puppies transition from playful youngsters to inquisitive adolescents, their behaviour can undergo significant changes. This pivotal stage in their development calls for continued guidance and training to shape them into well-mannered and obedient companions. In this guide, we'll explore the importance of Life Skills training for puppies and dogs aged 5 months and older. Common Reasons for Not Continuing Training: Before diving into the significance of Life Skills training, let's address why some dog owners may overlook the need for ongoing education and guidance during this critical stage. Complacency After Puppy Kindy: Many owners who have enrolled their puppies in Kindy classes may mistakenly believe that their pups are perfectly trained. However, as puppies grow and mature, they begin to test boundaries and explore their environment, requiring continued guidance and reinforcement. Time Constraints and Busy Schedules: Balancing work, family, and other commitments can make it challenging for owners to prioritise training classes for their adolescent dogs. However, investing time in training now can save both time and frustration in the long run. Underestimating Adolescent Behaviour: Adolescent dogs may exhibit behaviours such as increased independence, stubbornness, or selective hearing, leading some owners to believe that further training is unnecessary. However, consistent training and reinforcement are crucial for navigating this stage successfully. Lack of Awareness: Some owners may simply be unaware of the importance of ongoing training during adolescence or may not know where to seek guidance and support. The Importance of Life Skills Training: Now, let's explore why Life Skills training is essential for adolescent puppies and dogs, regardless of whether they received early training or not. Continued Socialisation and Exposure: Adolescent dogs are still developing their social skills and need regular exposure to new people, animals, and environments to prevent fearfulness or aggression. Life Skills training provides opportunities for controlled socialisation and exposure, helping to build confidence and resilience. Reinforcement of Basic Cues: While puppies may have learned basic cues during Kindy classes, adolescence is a time when these cues may be tested. Life Skills training reinforces basic obedience cues such as "sit," "stay," and "come," ensuring that they are reliably obeyed in various situations. Addressing Adolescent Behaviours: Adolescence can bring about challenging behaviours such as leash pulling, jumping up, or selective listening. Life Skills training provides guidance and strategies for addressing these behaviours effectively, preventing them from becoming ingrained habits. Building a Stronger Bond: Continued training strengthens the bond between owner and dog, fostering trust, respect, and communication. Through positive reinforcement and consistency, owners can deepen their relationship with their canine companions. Life Skills Training: At Ari&Me, we recognise the unique needs of adolescent puppies and dogs and the importance of continued education during this critical stage. Our Life Skills classes offer structured training programmes designed to address the specific challenges of adolescence while reinforcing essential obedience skills. In conclusion, Life Skills training is a vital component of every dog's development, especially during the adolescent stage, but can be enjoyed by dogs of any age that need a refresher. Whether your dog missed out on early training or has completed Kindy classes, investing in ongoing education and guidance is essential for shaping a well-mannered dog. So why wait?

  • Puppy Kindy: The Benefits

    Welcoming a new puppy into your life is an exciting adventure filled with joy and boundless love. However, amidst all the cuddles and playful antics, it's easy to overlook the importance of early training. In this guide, we'll explore why starting your puppy's training journey early is crucial for their development and well-being. Why People Often Delay Puppy Training: Before delving into the benefits of early puppy training, let's address why some individuals may procrastinate or overlook this vital aspect of pet ownership. Lack of Awareness: Many new puppy owners may not fully understand the importance of early training or the impact it can have on their dog's behaviour later in life. Time Constraints: Balancing work, family, and other commitments can make it challenging to prioritise puppy training, leading some owners to postpone it indefinitely Misconceptions: Some people believe that puppies are too young to learn or that training can wait until they're older. However, the opposite is true – puppies are like sponges, eagerly soaking up knowledge from the moment they're born. Fear of Overwhelming the Puppy: There's a misconception that training a young puppy might overwhelm or stress them out. In reality, positive reinforcement-based training methods can make learning fun and enjoyable for both you and your puppy. The Importance of Early Training: Now that we've addressed common reasons for delaying puppy training, let's explore why starting early is crucial for setting your canine companion up for success. Socialisation Skills: Puppies are most receptive to new experiences between 8 weeks and 3 months of age. Early training provides opportunities for socialisation with people, other animals, and various environments, helping to prevent behavioural issues such as fearfulness or aggression later in life. Establishing Good Habits: Just like humans, dogs thrive on routine and structure. By starting training early, you can establish good habits such as toilet training, crate training, and basic obedience cue like "sit," "stay," and "come." Building Trust and Bonding: Training sessions create opportunities for bonding between you and your puppy, strengthening the foundation of trust and mutual respect that is essential for a harmonious relationship. Preventing Problematic Behaviours: Addressing behavioural issues early can prevent them from escalating into more serious problems down the line. Whether it's excessive barking, destructive chewing, or leash pulling, early intervention through training can nip these behaviours in the bud. Puppy Kindy: At Ari&Me, we understand the importance of early training in shaping a well-behaved and happy canine companion. Our Puppy Kindy classes offer a supportive and nurturing environment where puppies aged 8 weeks to 3 months can learn essential skills and socialise with other dogs in a safe setting. By starting training early, you can instil good habits, prevent behavioural issues, and strengthen the bond between you and your puppy. So why wait?

  • Puppy Playgroup: The Benefits

    In the early stages of a puppy's life, socialisation plays a vital role in their development. It sets the foundation for their future behaviour and relationships with other dogs and humans. That's why a dedicated puppy playgroup is invaluable for partially vaccinated pups aged between 10 weeks and 3 months. Let's explore why these playgroups are essential for our furry companions. Alternatives to Playgroups You might be thinking, why not just head to the dog park for socialisation? While dog parks can be tempting, they pose several risks for young puppies. Partially vaccinated puppies are susceptible to various diseases and infections, which can easily spread in a communal setting like a dog park. Additionally, the unpredictable nature of other dogs' behaviour can lead to unpleasant or even dangerous encounters. Puppy playgroups, on the other hand, provide a controlled environment where your pup can socialise safely under expert supervision. Safe, Supervised Playtime First and foremost, puppy playgroups provide a safe environment for your little companion to interact with other pups. With experienced professionals overseeing the play sessions, you can rest assured knowing that your pup is in good hands. This supervised playtime allows them to learn crucial social skills while staying safe. Engaging Activities Who said learning can't be fun? Puppy playgroups have engaging activities designed to stimulate your pup's mind and body. From interactive games to puppy-friendly obstacle courses, these sessions keep your pup entertained while encouraging physical activity and mental stimulation. Sensory Exploration Just like human babies, puppies are curious creatures eager to explore the world around them. Puppy playgroups provide the perfect opportunity for sensory exploration, exposing your pup to new sights, sounds, and textures. Whether it's romping with another puppy or sniffing out hidden treasures, every moment is an adventure for your furry companion. Professional Guidance Perhaps the most valuable aspect of puppy playgroups is the expert guidance provided by trained professionals. These knowledgeable individuals not only supervise the play sessions but also offer valuable advice on puppy care, behaviour training, and more. With their expertise, you can navigate the joys and challenges of puppyhood with confidence, knowing that you're giving your pup the best possible start in life. Joining a puppy playgroup is more than just playtime— it's an investment in your pup's future happiness and well-being. So why wait?

  • Enhancing a Paws-itive Atmosphere Through Music at Doggy Daycare

    As the world evolves, so does our understanding of our canine pals' needs. Doggy daycares, like Ari&Me, have embraced innovative methods to reduce stress and make an enjoyable experience for all dogs in our care. One such method gaining popularity is the incorporation of calming meditation music. But what exactly are the benefits, and is there science behind this soothing trend? ✨Creating a Serene Haven At Ari&Me, we strive to provide a nurturing environment where dogs can thrive physically, mentally, and emotionally. We understand that just like us, dogs too can experience anxiety and stress, especially in unfamiliar settings or when separated from their owners. Calming meditation music serves as a gentle tool to create a tranquil atmosphere, promoting relaxation and a sense of security for our canine guests. 🎶 The Science Behind the Sound Research has shown that music can profoundly impact animals' behavior and well-being. Just as certain melodies and rhythms can evoke specific emotions in humans, dogs also respond to auditory stimuli. Studies have demonstrated that calming music can lower heart rate, reduce stress hormones, and induce a state of relaxation in dogs. This soothing effect is attributed to the music's tempo, tone, and frequency, which mimic natural sounds found in nature, such as flowing water or gentle breezes. ☯️ Tail-Wagging Benefits for Our Canine Friends Incorporating calming meditation music into our daycare environment yields a myriad of benefits for our attendees: Stress Reduction: By creating a serene ambiance, dogs feel more at ease and less anxious during their stay at Ari&Me. Improved Socialisation: Relaxed dogs are more likely to engage positively with other dogs and staff members, fostering healthy social interactions. Enhanced Rest and Recovery: Dogs can enjoy restful naps and rejuvenating sleep cycles, essential for their overall well-being. Alleviation of Separation Anxiety: Music serves as a comforting presence, helping dogs feel more secure in the absence of their owners. 💜 Ari&Me: Pioneering Canine Care with Heart Ari&Me’s commitment to innovation and holistic care sets us apart, and the integration of calming meditation music exemplifies our dedication to creating a harmonious environment for pups in our care. In conclusion, the benefits of incorporating calming meditation music at doggy daycares like Ari&Me extend far beyond mere background noise. It's a testament to our understanding of canine psychology and our unwavering commitment to providing the best possible experience for every dog in our care. So the next time you entrust your pup to our care, rest assured they'll be serenaded with soothing melodies, creating a paw-sitive atmosphere they'll love.

  • A guide to comparing pet insurance

    At Ari&Me, we know how special dogs are and how tough it can be when they get sick or need medical care. That's why we've partnered with Petsy Pet Insurance to provide this guide to help you choose a pet insurance so that it can make difficult days a little bit easier. Table of Contents Introduction When choosing pet insurance, it is important that you find one that best meets you and your furry family member’s needs. Pet insurance policies all differ in the level of cover they provide with various annual limits, sub-limits, excess and extras. It’s actually harder to find two policies that have exactly the same options, which makes it an overwhelming task when comparing one to another. Because we know it’s not easy, we are here to help break it down for you. If you are able to understand the following then you will be able to get closer to comparing apples with apples, instead of apples and bananas. Types of Cover This refers to the conditions or treatments you would like your pet to be covered for. *You should have a look at the list of conditions covered for different policies, as this may vary between insurance providers. Why don’t we offer accident only insurance? We believe accident only cover led to tears, so that is why we no longer offer it. We no longer offer low-priced or, in our eyes, "cheap pet insurance" that limits the coverage too much. Once you have decided on the level of cover that suits you and your pet’s needs, it’s time to dig deeper into the key details. To help compare pet insurance policies and offerings, we’ve summarised the most common options that can affect the coverage and price. Annual Limit The Annual Limit is the maximum amount your insurance provider pays over a 12 month policy period. The annual limits range from $3,000 to over $20,000. Petsy offers some of the lowest and, conversely, highest annual limits in the market with no sub-limits. Remember, $10,0000 as an annual limit with sub-limits is not the same as $10,000 without sub-limits. The higher the annual limit, the higher the premium, and the lower the annual limit, the cheaper pet insurance premiums will be. Our coverage options are entirely up to you to choose from, and we have $5k, $10k, and $25k options available. Sub-limits Also referred to as a “condition limit” or “per incident limit”, a sub-limit applies a cap to the amount your insurance provider will pay to treat certain conditions per year (ie. the policy period). For example, let’s say you have an insurance policy with an annual limit of $5,000. However, the policy also has a sub-limit of $2,600 for cruciate ligament conditions. If your pet undergoes cruciate ligament surgery and the cost exceeds $2,600, your insurer will only pay up to the sub-limit amount of $2,600, even though your annual limit is $5,000. You should carefully review the sub-limits that apply for specific conditions and decide if it offers enough protection to your pet. All Petsy Pet Insurance policies have ZERO sub-limits. Benefit Percentage The Benefit Percentage is the proportion of vet costs that your insurance provider covers in the event of a claim. For example, let’s say you have a vet bill with $10,000 of approved vet costs and selected a Benefit Percentage of 90%. This means you will be reimbursed 90% of $10,000 which is $9,000 (assuming annual excess does not apply, and subject to annual limit). In the market, the total amount you can select to be reimbursed on vet bills will usually range from 70% to 100% (just check the caveats on 100%). The higher the benefit percentage, the higher the premium, and the lower the benefit percentage, the cheaper pet insurance premiums will be. We offer two options, 80% and 90%. Annual Excess The excess is the amount you agree to pay out-of-pocket towards a claim before the insurance provider begins to pay benefits for accepted claims. For example, let’s say you have an insurance policy with a $150 annual excess. If your vet bill claim is $1,000, you are responsible for paying the first $150 (the excess) out-of-pocket. The amount your insurance provider will pay for the remaining costs depends on your benefit percentage. The lower the annual excess, the higher the premium and the higher the excess, the cheaper pet insurance premiums will be. It is important to note that not all excess options are the same. The three main types are per claim excess, per condition excess, and annual excess, and they are very different. A per claim excess is applied for every claim you submit, a per condition excess is applied for every different condition that your furry friend develops and you make a claim. Finally, an annual excess is only applied once for the year, regardless of how many claims you made or how many conditions your furry friend had. Dental Coverage Dental coverage is an optional add-on that will increase the amount you pay for pet insurance. Choosing not to include dental coverage will reduce pet insurance premiums. Not many providers have dental coverage as an option, and if they do, there are usually sub-limits. Petsy is proud to be one of the few providers that offer dental coverage, and as always, there are no sub-limits. Optional Extra Benefits Many pet insurance providers offer the opportunity to add-on extra benefits such as behavioural problems, physiotherapy, or emergency boarding. Each insurance provider will offer different extra benefits, so make sure to consider what extended cover you would like your pet to have. The more optional extras you choose, the more expensive your pet insurance premium will be, and the less optional extras you choose, the cheaper you can make your pet insurance premium. At Petsy, we offer optional extra benefits that extend cover for dental illness, specialised therapies, and behavioural problems. The maximum age to add optional extras is 2 years and 364 days (pet must be less than 3 years old). Vet Consultations Some policies may exclude or have sub-limits applied to claims for vet consultations. You should consider what is right based on your circumstances. If you decide to remove vet consultations from your cover, this will make your pet insurance premiums cheaper, but it’s important to note that emergency vet consultations can be expensive. Petsy Pet Insurance offers you the option to choose to include or exclude cover for vet consultations related to the required treatment of injury or illness. Exclusion Periods Exclusion periods, also referred to as a “waiting period”, is the amount of time during which no benefit is payable under the policy. This means you cannot claim for vet costs for treatment your pet receives in relation to an illness or injury which occurs during an exclusion period. This period can vary between providers, so make sure you find out beforehand - that way you know what to expect. We no longer use the term waiting periods as it has brought a bit of confusion about pet insurance being similar to human health insurance, which is not the case. Pre-Existing Conditions A pre-existing condition is one that exists or occurs before your pet’s insurance policy begins (and during the exclusion period). It is rare for pet insurance providers to cover any pre-existing conditions. If they do, it will usually require some time for that condition to no longer exist. before they do. Again, there is a common misconception where people assume pet insurance is similar to human health insurance. If anything, it’s closer to car insurance. Here is an example to help explain: Let’s say you buy a car with a damaged rear bumper, but you don’t currently have car insurance. Then one day you finally decide to get car insurance, and several months later, you are involved in a car accident where someone T-bones the front of your car. Your insurance provider will pay for damages sustained in the front T-boned accident but will not reimburse you to fix the rear damaged bumper as it was there before you got the car insurance. Comparing Providers So now, if you decide to get a quote from one provider with an 80% benefit percentage, then in order to more closely compare this provider with another provider, make sure you get a quote for the other also with an 80% benefit percentage. Then you can do the same for all the options, coverage and customisation, such as the excess, dental coverage, optional extra benefits, vet consultations, exclusion periods, and pre-existing conditions. By taking into account these factors and comparing them across different pet insurance providers, you can make an informed decision about which provider and policy is right for you and your furry friend. Petsy Pet Insurance is proud to allow our members to customise the cover which can also help them find an affordable coverage option for their family member. – Written by Petsy Pet Insurance and Ari&Me Contact Petsy Address: Suite 58, Mezzanine/388 George St, Sydney NSW 2000 Phone: 1300 952 790 Email: Petsy Pty Ltd (ABN 54 633 343 058, AR 1277359) (‘Petsy’) distributes and promotes Petsy Pet  Protection Plus (formally Petsy Pet Insurance), Petsy Puppy Protection Plus and Petsy Kitten Protection Plus as an authorised representative of Knose Financial Services Pty Ltd (ABN 38  620 795 735, AFSL 536651) trading as (‘’). is an underwriting agency acting under a binding authority as an agent for the insurer; Pacific International Insurance Pty Limited (ABN 83 169 311 193) (‘Pacific) in relation to Petsy Puppy Protection Plus and Petsy Kitten Protection Plus policies and Petsy Pet Protection Plus policies from 01 March 2023 or have an anniversary renewal date from 18 March 2023, and the Australia branch of Allied World Assurance Company, Ltd (ABN 54 163 304 907) (‘Allied World’) in relation to Petsy Pet Insurance policies purchased between 17 February 2022 and 28 February 2023 (inclusive) or renewed between 01 March 2023 and 17 March 2023 (inclusive). In all aspects of arranging this product, Petsy and act as an agent of Pacific/Allied World (as the case may be) and not as your agent. Any advice contained in this email is general advice only and has been prepared without taking into account individual objectives, financial situation or needs and you should consider the appropriateness of any such advice, the Product Disclosure Statement (‘PDS’) and the Target Market Determination (‘TMD’) available via or by calling 1300 952 790 before making a decision to acquire, or to continue to hold, the product. Terms, conditions, limits and exclusions apply. Please refer to the PDS.

  • Enrolments for Puppy Playgroup Starting April 6th

    🎉 Introducing our Pawsitive Puppy Playgroup! 🎉 Are you a proud puppy parent looking to give your furry friend the best start in life? Look no further! Join us for our exclusive Puppy Socialization Class where your little bundle of joy can learn, play, and grow alongside their adorable peers! 🐶💕 Here's what you can expect from our fun-filled sessions: Puppy Playtime: Let your pup romp and frolic in a safe and supervised environment with other puppies, fostering crucial social skills and confidence-building. Engaging Activities: From interactive games to exciting challenges, we've curated activities designed to stimulate your puppy's mind and keep them happily engaged. Sensory Exploration: Watch as your puppy explores new sights, sounds, and textures, helping them develop crucial sensory skills while having a blast! Professional Guidance: Our experienced trainers will be on hand to provide expert advice, answer your questions, and ensure that every puppy has a positive and enriching experience. 🌟 Benefits of Early Puppy Socialization: 🌟 ⭐️ Builds Confidence: Exposing your puppy to new experiences in a controlled environment helps them develop confidence and resilience. ⭐️ Promotes Healthy Development: Socialization is crucial for proper behavioural and emotional development, setting the foundation for a well-adjusted adult dog. ⭐️ Creates Lasting Bonds: Joining our classes isn't just beneficial for your puppy—it's also a fantastic opportunity for you to connect with other puppy parents and share in the joys (and challenges!) of puppyhood. Spaces are limited, so don't wait—reserve your spot today and give your puppy the gift of socialization and fun! 🎁🐾 To book your place or learn more, simply contact us 0420228506 Let's make memories and paw-some friendships together! 🐾❤️

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